How to move your Mobile Field Shelter?

How to move your Mobile Field Shelter?

Many horse owners tend to choose mobile field shelters over more static builds as they do not typically require planning permission and are easier to manage. As horses move from one area of the field to another, you can move the shelters as needed, making mobile buildings a much more convenient solution.

Similarly, they should also be moved regularly to stay compliant with regulations. Moving your mobile field shelter as advised will ensure that you continue to benefit from its convenience without compromising safety.

However, moving the shelters around should be done carefully, as it can lead to the building being damaged. In this article, we talk about how mobile buildings can be moved safely.

What is a Mobile Field Shelter?

A mobile field shelter, also known as a portable field shelter, is a temporary or semi-permanent structure used to provide shelter for animals such as horses, cows, and sheep in open fields.

These shelters are constructed to be easily moved from one location to another, allowing you to easily protect your animals from harsh weather conditions or even predators such as foxes and badgers.

When should you move your Mobile Buildings?

Since mobile shelters don’t qualify as permanent structures, setting one up shouldn’t require planning permission. While your shelter may be portable and without a concrete base, you may still face penalties.

If you fail to move your shelter to a new location, you may be required to pay penalties to your local authority if they deem it a permanent rather than a mobile structure.

So, when should you move your mobile field shelter? Take precautions and aim to move your mobile building every six to eight weeks; this should help you comply with regulations.

What are the benefits of moving your Mobile Field Shelter?

Moving your Mobile Field Shelter regularly may seem challenging, but it does have many benefits. As mentioned, mobile field shelters have been designed to protect animals from harsh conditions throughout the year. The ability to move the shelter allows you to rotate grazing, which typically results in healthier and happier animals, inevitably reducing feeding costs.

One of the main advantages of mobile field shelters is that they allow you to adapt to your animal’s needs. You may have noticed that your horses have a favourite grazing spot or area where they prefer to rest. With a mobile shelter, you can quickly move the structure to make the space more comfortable for your horses.

Tips for how to move Mobile Shelters:

  • Planning: Before you move the shelter, plan out the route you will take and ensure that it is clear of any obstacles. 
  • Security: Before moving the shelter, ensure it is correctly secured to the towing vehicle or trailer. Ensure all bolts and screws are tightened, and all panels and doors are securely closed.
  • Equipment: To move a mobile field shelter, you will need a towing vehicle or trailer that is appropriate for the size and weight of the shelter. 
  • Take time: Move slowly to avoid either shelter or towing vehicle damage.

Want to invest in a Mobile Field Shelter?

Mobile field shelters are an excellent investment as they provide comfort and safety to your animals, such as horses. Following the tips above, you can ensure the moving process is done correctly to minimise potential damage to your buildings and animals.

Ultimately, investing in a mobile field shelter is a great way to provide quality shelter to your animals, who are usually grazing or even living outdoors. Ready to invest in a high-quality, sturdy mobile field shelter today? Here at Jon William Stables, we were one of the first companies in the UK to develop mobile equestrian buildings with the highest quality materials.  

If you are looking to get some advice on mobile field shelters or planning permission, get in touch with our Jon William Stables team today. We are more than happy to help!

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